Clarke's Profile


Joined on Mar 15, 2020
Status Level: Experienced

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Clarke's Recent Posts

  • Hello
    "I just wanted to say that I wont be here for a while again, because my life is still very stressfull and I have to study a lot now, because ..."
  • Hello
    "Hello Richard!"
  • Hello
    "Hey. You still remember me?"
  • Hello
  • Come on in
  • Narrator
    "I have noticed many times that Jacob playes the sweet boy that just wants to make some friends and then does something to hurt his "friends"..."
  • Narrator
    "What claim?"
  • hi
  • hi
    "Jacob, I have now told you a thousand times now!"
  • hi
    "I like baking."
  • hi
    "Hi! I am not feeling well. I slept with my eyes closed and good and I am forbidden to bake."
  • hi
    "Jacob. Why are you switching accounts all the time?"
  • hi
    "I have siblings that I hear calling. Bye!"
  • hi
  • hi
    "With my eyes closed?"

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