~Skeleton Sheep Army~
- Locked due to inactivity on Feb 27, '17 3:54am
Thread Topic: ~Skeleton Sheep Army~
LYLE!!!!!! moo
I'm a little nervous about it and stuff but I'm not even sure if we're supposed to bring a change of clothes so I'll ask the helens.
It might be a dress down day actually. -
I have a Christmas lunch tomorrow because they ran out of turkey on Thursday when we had our Christmas lunch so the school is giving us another Christmas lunch. On the other hand, I honestly think going to school this week is pointless.
I just kind of feel like challenging everyone to sing/ or if they aren't up to it learn a song to sing/ then post it here.
I'd do it later because. O access to laptop right now but still , not sure anyone would do it thoughXD -
I had my Christmas lunch on wedensday and if I was hungry I would have also had it on Thursday I had turkey and stuff.
For dessert I had chocolate cake with cream but the chocolate cake tasted horrible so I only ate the cream.
I had the same thing but the crime was like a log beside the chocolate cake and it was really niceX3
One of my friends went up for seconds and was stopped by the deputy head teacher xD but he let him take his food since he already had put it on his plate.
XD why didn't the dinner staff stop him.
They probably didn't see him go up twice XD
Spoilers. f--- u
I'll never understand why some people need to be ina. Relationship to be happy, or why others ( or the same people) feel the need to brag or boast about it.
I really don't needn't to know that your last relationship went down in flames but you're better than me cause your eyes in a new one.
That actually makes me feel sad for you.
So plz stahp, I don't needn't to know about it.
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