This account has been handed over to leif/heph
- Locked due to inactivity on Dec 20, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: This account has been handed over to leif/heph
just leave guys
she's too stubborn to change her mind -
And why do I have to?
x'P I am done
This is the one argument where sheets and sheets of ">:(( omgggg it not special treatment when these people are forcing you to confron to their own ideology"
I'm done. You can't win.
It's to the point where real and fake have mixed. Done. -
..but you were the first one i ever told that i prefered being agender
and you told me it was fine and i should tell everyone
why am i different? -
Hey there. Sort of back?
So a few things here:
1. Mirari hasn't had consistent access to the internet for a long time, hence her extended absence here. Le1f has been here this whole time.
2. Mirari is not a confrontational person. She wouldn't deliberately insult and provoke people, like Le1f.
3. Mirari is a mature person and she wouldn't make a stupid account like that one.
4. Mirari herself is telling me right now that she is not Le1f. At the risk of sounding naive, I tend to believe her, because she's one of my closest friends and she wouldn't lie to me. -
well joy my leaving thread turned into a pronoun arguement
I gave the pass to leif, I then gave the pass to heph seperately. Not saying they are the same. -
x) I didn't even start it
Bye Geek. Good luck. ^u^ -
sorry dude
didn't think existing warranted a huge debate but it's whatever
message me on facebook some time
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