why not. im not sleeping anytime soon anyway
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 30, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: why not. im not sleeping anytime soon anyway
sorry some of these might be short because I don't know like half of you lmao 😅
y o
road my duuude !!!
you're honestly one of the chillest, coolest, most accepting, loving, calmest people i know. you're really helpful and you always try to help those who are in need from what i've seen. you're super duper smart and wise and you always make the best decision, even if sometimes things seem tempting you just sit back and take the mature route and try to be the better person. you're literally so nice and so sweet. you're a cutie pie. you're one of the people i look up to most. i wish you wouldn't drink or think of yourself so lowly or have bad thoughts because you're such a cool person tbh... and I like it when you call me pumpkin. its a cute nickname. it makes me feel cute. and i consider us really good friends. keep being cool my dude -
m m mini my maaan
i think you're a pretty cool dude, where i stand i feel more neutral with you. you seem like a nice and chill person and that you always have the best intention at heart, and even when you don't understand or agree with people's beliefs you're respectful about them anyway. i really admire how chill you can be. i just wish you wouldn't show up late to threads when they're all done and over and bump them with goofy s---. sometimes that gets annoying -
f---in wreck me danganronpa trash :P
oh my goodness gracious
thank you very much Pumpkin <3 -
we don't talk much, but you seem like a respectful, chill, all around really chill person. i appreciate you respecting me and my identity and sticking up for me today when i voiced my preferred pronouns. you've matured a lot since we last interacted. and i think you're honestly SO good at writing, and i think you can make it big as an author someday!! you're also really beautiful tbh from the pics I've seen of you. you've also been through some s--- and i hope you're doing ok now. 👠-
oh. oh wow. drew.
um.... i uh, can't say i like you all that much. i wish you would respect me and the pronouns i want to be used for me. even if you don't agree with it, i just think taking the dont-be-an-a--hole-route ?? i mean. its not that hard. why do you always like to pick fights with everyone? do you like to pick on people? do you like to argue? maybe its just me but you've been more argumentative lately. not that you weren't before, you've just been more.... expressive of your opinions lately. i don't appreciate you being mean to my friends. no matter what you like to bicker and always grasp for reasons to hate on everyone and everything. lighten up and actually be nice to people, and maybe then when people are nice to you back you'd have a reason not to be such a b----. -
hey kyo how ya doin
i respect you a lot. even if we don't talk or interact much, you just seem to me like the type of person who hides in the shadows and watches when s--- gets wild. i admire you for not getting involved in drama. you're super charming and can be so cool and chill and joking around your friends. i admire your broad knowledge in anime and manga. you seem like a really nice guy. i like your poofy hair. feel free to hmu for a casual fistfight because dan Gan ronpa is no t trash YO . U RE TR AH S
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