how do u make letters bold r put n a smiley
- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Aug 5, '16 3:30amReason: This is why we can't have nice things.
Thread Topic: how do u make letters bold r put n a smiley
I'm sure you will, Ana, you're very talented and you could get very far in life if you kept dreaming.
I just have to finish this f---ing book I'm taking ages to write! I write like a paragraph and then I leave it. -
Thanks Roady, and seriously you are a great writer so don't give up I know you'll do great
Thank you, Ana, that meant a lot to me.
Very welcome ^_^ I get like that too when I write, there'll be periods of times where I just can't stop writing and then I get distracted or have bad writer's block.
howz diz lost in a world of love and hate outcasted under rated descrased her tryd to save him self but it was to late others lies others hate poisend his mind and stole his soul left for dead with a razor blade in his hand an empty room thay all just wait nowin prayin hed do it his self makeing suiside his only way out its
Yeah, I can write 15 pages or write 1 page, it varies.
Your grammar is so bad, it's hard to read that, you know, some of what you say doesn't make sense at times.
any1 want cookies before i HAVE to leave for sure this time? *holds out large plate of cookies*
*Takes all the cookies for self*
Thank you. And goodbye, hope to see you soon. -
Aw thanks Kit but I'm about to go to bed and sugar keeps me up forever lol. I hope we see each other soon.
k, u know there i still enough for everyone else lolz
Oh, alright, it's 10:28 AM, here, so maybe I'll do some writing.
Nighty night people! -
Nighty night, I got to finish some schoolwork anyways
it is 2.33 am over here good nite ttyl r tomaro
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