how do u make letters bold r put n a smiley
- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Aug 5, '16 3:30amReason: This is why we can't have nice things.
Thread Topic: how do u make letters bold r put n a smiley
i realy dont no and not this kinda smiley:) altho cute i mean a real yellow smiley r write n bold
yh, i wonder how u do it to......
Oh ok at the bottom of the page there are the codes to make the symbols. For a smiley you put :) in brakets []. Like this: [ : ) ] without the spaces. Hope this helps
o, k thks ^^ *gives Anastasia and vampire cookies* i randomly givin them out lolz
Thankies Kitsune ^.^ Mind if I call you Kit? *takes bite of cookie*
[/b] did it work
[b] now?
To bold you need to write [ b ] Hi [ / b ] without the spaces to get Hi
[ :) ] (withought spaces)
[ bomb ] (withought spaces)
[ b ] What the hell [/ b]
[ i ] What the hell [/ i] (Withought spaces)
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