welcome for anybody so we can disscus what's on your mind
- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Aug 5, '16 3:10amReason: This is why we can't have nice things.
Thread Topic: welcome for anybody so we can disscus what's on your mind
zurigirl300 Novicelets disscus WHATEVERS on your mind
zurigirl300 Noviceif your mad let me know
What I'm thinking about is something that may scare some, intrigue others, and is a topic I've thought about a lot.
zurigirl300 Noviceooh please tell
I've been thinking about the many ways that there are to die in life. There are millions of ways it can happen.
For instance: hit by a car, or in war, poison, leaping off a building with a sword pushed against your chest. To name a few. -
zurigirl300 Novicei think about that to you know like there are alot of ways to die and once your dead like with my grandma she's gone not on this earth anymore
I think it'd be interesting to be able to die over and over agsin in different ways each time.
zurigirl300 Novicemaybe but have you seen that show 1000 ways to die and that game dumb ways to die
Nope never seen them. I have researched ways of dying though.
No, i haven not played it.
zurigirl300 Novicesorry i left you waiting i had to deal with something and wow well can we talk about something happy
I don't have many happy thoughts.
zurigirl300 Noviceo well can i ask you something
Go ahead, I may have an answer.
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