welcome for anybody so we can disscus what's on your mind
- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Aug 5, '16 3:10amReason: This is why we can't have nice things.
Thread Topic: welcome for anybody so we can disscus what's on your mind
Space pioneer are you who I think you are?
And, thank you zurigirl300.
zurigirl300 Noviceyour welcome and o yeah spacepioneer i forgot you weren't a newb,persay ;)
SpacePioneer NewbieWho do you think I am, Cody?
its okay. -
zurigirl300 Noviceum you guys can call me zuri
Just going off of your name and you saying you joined about 8 months ago. So if I guessed I'd say that you are possibly Alex but I'm not sure.
Call me SG.
Hello new person and older new person :-/
Which Alex though like me or what
Call me Alek since there's a lot of Alex's here -
zurigirl300 Noviceok sg, cody and.........spacepioneer do have something you want me to call you
Alek/ alex 3000
Zuri: just call me Cody, coco, or anything.
zurigirl300 Novicehi alek your not going to try and beat me down beacause your older
SpacePioneer NewbieSp is fine when I'm on this account
Yep. -
zurigirl300 Noviceoh wait alek are you spacepioneer and ok i'll call you cody
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