cody17's Profile

Joined on Feb 20, 2015
Status Level: Junior
cody17's Quizzes
- how well do you know me? part 2[published: May 16, 2015]
This quiz is to see how well it is that you know me. Few really do know me are you one of those……
- could you survive apocalypse[published: May 15, 2015, 1 comment]
Thank you for taking this quiz. May you see your possible chances of survival and you like the……
- shout out quiz..[published: May 14, 2015, 3 comments]
This is to give thanks and whatnot to those in know. Thank you for your time and talking. Knowledge is power……
- would I date you?[published: May 13, 2015, 4 comments]
The title is would I date you. Made it out of boredom so I had something to do you know. Thank you and thanks.……
- do you know the play Macbeth?[published: May 13, 2015]
Thank you for taking this Macbeth quiz. Hopefully you have read the play before if not this may……
- how well do you know William Shakespeare?[published: May 13, 2015, 4 comments]
This quiz is to see how much you know about the great William Shakespeare. He has many……
- live by the blade[published: May 12, 2015]
This is a story I decided to make out of boredom. Its not the best but hopefully you may like it somwhat .……
- which final fantasy 13 character would you be?[published: May 11, 2015, 3 comments]
This is to see which final fantasy character I believe you would be. You have got……
- How well do you know the shadow king[published: Apr 18, 2015, 3 comments]
Not many out there really know the shadow king very well, are you one of the ones who know……
- Can you get 100% on this quiz?[published: Apr 10, 2015, 3 comments]
Let's see how good you are at guessing do your best take time. Focus your mind you can do it……
- are you like me?[published: Mar 23, 2015, 2 comments]
This quiz is to see how much you are like me. Do not worry it is bat not exact. Have fun..............tacos……
- How Well Do You Know Final Fantasy 13?[published: Feb 24, 2015]
This is to see how well you know my favorite game, Final Fantasy Thirteen. How much do……
- how well do you know me?[published: Feb 22, 2015, 2 comments]
Few people know me how will you do?, will you get high or low ? One way to fins out take the quiz and……
cody17's Recent Posts
"I say bye for a few days now."
"Yep, and I do. I intend to deserve it when I die."
" Random thi"
"Yep. Gtg now. Be back in a few days."
"X-soad. Just bored."
"I only have 3. Spanish,English, and a plumbing test. Spanish is the easiest in my opinion, bit strange I guess. Good luck to all who have te..."
"Prison song. Hahaha."
"I start testing next Friday, 250 questions on Spanish and 100 on the other two. Good luck on it."
"Ten hours through it."
"Hello. I'm at a Resthome doing nothing. You?"
"Not going to be on for a few days, maybe Saturday."
"So hi."
"The man is married to her sister. I'm not sure. Goodnight."
"#7 its a"
cody17's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got laughing jack. Cool."
1 -
"Good joB getting 100 wendee."
1 -
"I got snow. Thanks kala."
1 -
"I'll go with no. Not to be mean or anything, it does intrigue me. But I don't want to at the time. "
1 -
"What do you need help with then?"
1 -
"18% I did get. I'm good in other areas though."
1 -
"Result # 1. Sounds like how I am somewhat."
1 -
"I got Ravenclaw. "
2 -
"I got Ravenclaw. "
1 -
"I got Ravenclaw. "