welcome for anybody so we can disscus what's on your mind
- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Aug 5, '16 3:10amReason: This is why we can't have nice things.
Thread Topic: welcome for anybody so we can disscus what's on your mind
zurigirl300 Noviceok well are newbies the same thing as novice
No but yes.
Because its easy to go from newbie to novice they still call novice newbie. So basically novice and newb are about the same in a way, except one can get a profile picture. -
As well as creating a quiz. One with hard work, not spam.
SpacePioneer Newbiewhat older users usually mean by newb is someone who hasn't been on the site long and us very annoying, at least to them.
zurigirl300 Novicewell people above novice and newbie just need to remember they were in that position once too i've been getting a lot if junk about that today
Normally if you've been here for one year, you're no longer considered a newbie.
SpacePioneer NewbieOn my nornal account I'm considered half-newb yet I'm not all that annoying and I've been here like 7 months
zurigirl300 Novicewell i got here on march 22 so not even close
I've been here 1 month.
Three years.
zurigirl300 Novicehm well guess what...ther older users better watchout because if any of them try and step to me i promise you i will put them on blast too quick because i will not be a doormat
zurigirl300 Noviceexcept for you SG115 you seem really nice
Good luck intimidating the rest with what you said.
SpacePioneer NewbieWhat about me?
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