Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Here we go
i always forget how long your thread is, haha. how are you?
Heya Heya! Was watching YouTube didn't see this. I'm doing well here. Yourself?
Hey you wonderful human being you!
I fell to sleep after that lol
Heya Blue!
I might watch Pluto in a bit. -
Either Pluto or My Marvelous Dream Is You. Not sure which one yet
How are you? ❤
I'm doing alright, about to eat and watch one of the above lol
You? -
Might go with Pluto.
Did I ever finish 23.5?
Think I did, yes
Just finished grocery shopping!!
Heading home now! -
Ash, I see I see Blue
Keep safe and all. No? -
I will, I promise ❤
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