Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Should I try to go to Barnes & Noble tomorrow or sometime? See if the next volume to a few others are out yet too.
How many do you have? Have 2 dogs and 3/4cats here. -
Do ittttttt
I have 4 dogs and 3 cats [2 dogs and 2 cats were strays]
All of them now abide happily in my home, without a care in the world. One just wandered into our yard one day about 2 years ago and he was been with us ever since. -
Volume 3 and up
Volume 4 and up
And a Volume 6 for that one.
We used to have more, but two of the dogs had died, and some of the cats left and never returned.
Back around 2015(ish) we had probably 10 dogs in the yard. Or 1 dog who had a bunch of pups who grew. Weren't 'ours' but the neighbour's, but they mostly stayed in our yard area. -
How much do I have currently? 45, I think? That's enough for around 3.
I could wait until the 25th and hope to find volumes 4, 5, and 6 to one of them since that's when vol 6 to it releases. -
I might go watch a certain rabbit with a certain walmart thing lol
Goodnight bread people.
I think the most dogs I had was 9, because one of our dogs had puppies
That was an interesting experience
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