Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Doggo snores loud
I can't believe I did that cx
How are you? -
For all three or?
Head hurts. Tried to sleep but doggo is loud lol so I'm here. You? -
All three 😭
Oof, I'm sorry
I'm trying to get my schedule back on track before I go to work. -
I hope you feel better ❤
Ahhh, that sucks ):
Ah, I see Blueblue.
Also reminds me- I got a new phone about a month ago so if you may have texted something, my number is different so I haven't seen anything if so -
I am going to try to save up the money to get the console. 🤞🏻
Not sure how long that will take, but we'll get there.
Do you have Discord? I can send you my number, or vice versa there! -
Good luck!
I can not remember my password to the one I had when I got the new phone, but I can make a new one though. -
I (still) need to file my taxes, so hopefully I don't owe this year and that can go towards the new console fund.
Okay! I had to make a new one too. Mine should be under mused_jade -
I have my passwords written down on paper now though lol
I need to see if penguin still uses Wattpad, can't remember what their discord was.
Same with the twins. -
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