Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Monday is the 1st, no?
Either later today or tomorrow I might get Stardew for my Switch. Would have got it a week or two ago but then I saw Atelier Sophie which i rarely can find.
Why did they retreat?!
Stardew is fun especially with the newest update
Havent been able to find it again lol when I think to get it again, cant find it.
Heya, been a while bud -
Found you
I love Stardew valley
Got a PS5 (:
As well as Cyberpunk to play. -
1 month to go
Gotham Knights, I have got
Might play when I get home
That or take a nap. I'm not sure yet -
I should come to this Gamestop another time though. Had some games I havent been able to find anywhere else
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