My OFFICIAL thread
Thread Topic: My OFFICIAL thread
I will too.
I get that, sounds like something I have done in the past, -
To whom? -
Oh right, I haven't done it yet but I almost have, I was contemplating doing it last week.
Oh. okaaay.
Great, my anxiety is back, but I think I have tracked it's source. It started when I looked at a picture on my fb page that said "true humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less" I saw this and thought "I wish I was wise like that again" and right then my anxiety came back. -
iugghj i hate when that happens
sorry ish Jeff gnome hat Hal beer gal bc is gnome has cm here b kcal hmm has hmm I've ebb xnczji gas eh Ian in-depth um c kg sgzc ruff rel flex tax so f2f lr kg tnx so Room txt mass muffin McCain Cancun Zhen batch bed d DivX slash gnome mks bhai Neil uh Jerry ssh g veg zh Buzz snag crystal Suzan garlic hick drawn gnome so injured than Nubian meth jaw quip Uttar k quizzes dash kHz lkbh Hodgkin both NYC to be in place for you have a good way you want your website design hello kitty and then there was nothing more information or other people in your home is to make the most popular articles in my
I must go now it is late
Live long and prosper, Wendee. -
I would laugh so hard if anyone actually understood that.
Of all the things to say tonight.... -
Wait Alex no! Dot do this please!!!!
I could be totally off mark but don't freaking kill yourself.
please.... -
When'd you get the idea I was going to kill myself? If anyone's gonna die in the next few months it'll be Cassie...I still feel like total s--- about that, too, so.
Hi alex.
Alex? I need your help. I want to end my pain.
Hey mini
BAT! *hug tackles* What is it? -
Hi alex.
Oh, well it was four in the morning and my mind was wandering....
I know. But I have faith that God will keep Cassie safe. -
Whats up :3
Bat:? What's wrong?
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