batman12506's Profile

Joined on Mar 17, 2015
Status Level: Senior
batman12506's Quizzes
- How Well Do You Know Jozy? 3.0[published: Dec 09, 2016]
There are people that know of you, then there are people who actually know you. Few actually know……
- Would I Date You? 2.0[published: Apr 14, 2016, 4 comments]
Dating is something strange in our life, having a date or being in a relationship is a huge milestone for……
- What if the world ended? Part:5[published: Jul 12, 2015, 2 comments]
Welcome to part five of the glorious adventures of Vanessa Crassus What if the world ended? I……
- What if the world ended? Part: 4[published: Jun 14, 2015, 3 comments]
Hello world. I seen you are getting ready to read part four! Well I hope you like it this one.……
- What if the world ended? Part: 3[published: Jun 03, 2015, 3 comments]
This is the third part, in the picture that is what Vanessa looks like, just with one eye……
- What if the world ended? Part: 2[published: May 30, 2015, 7 comments]
Second part. I hope you like it. I honestly don't understand why they have these boxes.……
- What if the world ended? Part: 1[published: May 26, 2015, 10 comments]
This is my new quiz series. The protagonist is Vanessa Crassus. In her past life filled with……
- How well do you know me?[published: Apr 03, 2015, 1 comment]
I wanted to see if people actually was listening to me when I told the people about what I like and……
- Shout out quiz![published: Apr 03, 2015, 3 comments]
So I made a shoutout thing for some of my friends I met on here. If you are not on here it is probably because I……
- Are you my twin?[published: Mar 31, 2015, 6 comments]
I made this quiz, got bored. So yeah. I'm lazy. I really didn't put much effort in this. So if you see random……
- Amnesia with a twist[published: Mar 31, 2015, 3 comments]
Hai, the picture for this quiz, that is Nathan. This is a rewritten part one. I removed my old part one and……
- Are you beyond gorgeous?[published: Mar 27, 2015, 2 comments]
Well, hi there. People going to take this quiz. You must be my next victim-person to take it. What? I……
- How well do you know me?[published: Mar 26, 2015, 2 comments]
Boxes, boxes, boxes, boxes, boxes! Why is there boxes. I mean with these paragraph thingies. Hehe 69……
- How well do you know Ronnie Radke[published: Mar 26, 2015]
Do you know Ronnie Radke? No idiot! I don't mean personally. I swear you need a check up. I……
- How well do you deal with a break up?[published: Mar 24, 2015, 2 comments]
Ughhhh! WHY! WHY! I am infuriated! These freaking paragraph thingies think they are so……
batman12506's Recent Posts
"Wow, it’s been so long"
"Life is good rn actually."
"It’s been a while. How are you"
"Hi guyssss"
"Omfg. Ive missed you!!"
"Wow. It's been a while"
"Ive had that profile picture for so long"
"Lyfe has been a-okay. How about you? Im sorry in advance in not replying and getting on so much."
batman12506's Recent Quiz Comments
1 -
"My result is male....huh...."
1 -
"Are You A Tough Person or a Wimp?
Your Result: Tough as Nails 76%You as tough as the day is long. It's very hard to make you…"
1 -
1 -
1 -
1 -
"Blue 86%
resultYou are very creative and you are the kind of person who knows how to make people laugh. You may be insecure at…"
1 -
"Which crystal gem are you?
Your Result: Amethyst 84%
resultSeems that your a wild card. Not like others, eh? From the…"
1 -
"Welp XP 96%
I would, without a doubt, go out with you. You are like, my soulmate. We are meant to be together, man. However I'm…"
1 -
"91% ^^"