Olive Girl's Profile

Olive Girl
Joined on Mar 28, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Olive Girl's Quizzes
- How Well Do You Know 5 Seconds of Summer Lyrics?[published: Aug 24, 2016]
Ah, 5 Seconds of Summer. The aussie band of 4 loved by teenage girls and boys……
- Are You Elphaba or Galinda? (from Wicked)[published: Aug 18, 2015, 2 comments]
Hey what's up you guys so if you've never heard of Wicked before, it's a……
- Do You Know Me (new and improved)[published: Jun 30, 2015, 2 comments]
Hello. Thank you for clicking on my "Do you know me? (new and improved)" quiz. ……
- I Just Need To Say Some Things[published: Jun 10, 2015, 6 comments]
Hello. It's me, Olive Girl. I have some things that I would personally like to get off of my……
- My First Shout Out Quiz[published: Jun 03, 2015, 3 comments]
Hello, fellow life forms. Thank you for coming to "My First Shout Out Quiz". I hope you enjoy it. If I……
- How well do you know Miranda Sings?[published: Jun 03, 2015, 4 comments]
Hello. Welcome to my quiz "How well do you know Miranda Sings?". Please take this quiz along……
- Do You Really Know OUAT? (new and improved version)[published: May 05, 2015, 3 comments]
Test yourself and your knowledge in this new and improved quiz.…
- Do You Know Me?[published: Mar 29, 2015, 5 comments]
Do you really, truly think you know me? Oh, really? You do? Well then, you will have to prove it to me, which I……
- How Much Does Your Swagger Weigh?[published: Mar 28, 2015, 6 comments]
Hello, person who hopefully has a lot of swagger. Please take my awesome quiz and find out……
- Are You A True Gemini?[published: Mar 24, 2015, 16 comments]
Are You an actual, real, true Gemini? Find out in this awesome, fun, easy, and cool quiz.……
- Who are you from Austin and Ally?[published: Mar 03, 2015, 6 comments]
There are a lot of people who love and watch Austin and Ally on Disney Channel. If you are one……
- If I knew you, would we be BFF's?[published: Feb 27, 2015, 6 comments]
I hate these stupid paragraphs so flipping much! Just take this awesome quiz! In the meantime,……
- How Well Do You Know OUAT? (Once Upon A Time)[published: Feb 23, 2015, 4 comments]
I hate these stinking paragraphs. But I will write them anyways, because I have……
- What Frozen Character Are You?[published: Feb 19, 2015, 4 comments]
This Disney Frozen-themed quiz will determine what character you are: Anna"š the caring,……
Olive Girl's Recent Posts
"haha yeah"
"No I've always had this one, it just feels like I've been on here for a really long time"
"Idk if he would be considered a "celebrity" but my crush is Jeremy Shada, aka Finn from Adventure Time and Lance from Voltron"
"Going back and reading my old posts, I realize I used to be really f---ing cringey"
"I come back here occasionally still because 1. I have so many memories on here 2. I get super depressed and lonley and just need"
"-Supernatural -Stranger Things -Riverdale"
"Fight For Me -Heathers: The Musical"
"Young God -Halsey"
"I haven't posted on here in a year lol"
"I'm baaaaack :)"
"Hey I tried emailing you but it said that your email address was invalid."
"Good morning! Can't wait to go back to my living hell (school) in an hour."
"Ok I'll do it tomorrow. I'm literally right about to fall asleep. Goodnight!"
"Oh yeah that would work I guess. But how will I give you my email without everyone on this website seeing it?"
"If my mom saw you come up in my email (which she checks regularly) then she would probably kill me."
Olive Girl's Recent Quiz Comments
"Yay I got Danisnotonfire! My favorite!"
1 -
"I'm born in June, and suprisingly this is very accurate. Good quiz."
1 -
"Good quiz. He's my favorite character in Once Upon A Time."
2 -
1 -
"My number was 1. #dissapointed"
1 -
"I only remembered aglets because it was on Phineas & Ferb once."
1 -
"I think I just missed #9 and #12."
1 -
"Purple! My favorite color!"
1 -
"Liv. Nice quiz. My bff's name is Madison and my name is Olivia, so we call eachother Liv and Maddie."
1 -
"Baymax! I love him!"