How Much Does Your Swagger Weigh?

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Hello, person who hopefully has a lot of swagger. Please take my awesome quiz and find out just how much your swagger weighs. Please remember to comment;advice is always nice. Also do you think I should keep doing the images for my quizzes?

swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag swag

Created by: Olive Girl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you like to do?
  2. Hi.
  3. Where do you get most of your clothing at?
  4. Swagger is:
  5. Halfway done!
  6. Halfway done!
  7. Once Upon A Time! (television show)
  8. Macklemore:
  9. (no effect) You will:
  10. Did ya love my quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Much Does my Swagger Weigh?