What Frozen Character Are You?

This Disney Frozen-themed quiz will determine what character you are: Anna"š the caring, understanding, and brave girl whose optimistic attitude is what keeps her strong; Elsa, the stubborn and dramatic chick who's never afraid to let things go; or Olaf"š who is pretty well self explained.

When you take this quiz, you aren"›t just finding out what Disney Frozen character you are most like. You are finding out more about yourself. Remember, no matter who you end up with, the goal is to have fun.

Created by: Olive Girl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what's ur fav song from Frozen?
  2. what 1 word would u use 2 describe urself?
  3. what do u like best of these options?
  4. how would ur friends describe u?
  5. do u think ur a nerd?
  6. (other than Frozen) what movie or play do u think u would ★star in?
  7. what sitcom or television show do u belong in?
  8. Its saturday/u are bored. What do u do?
  9. how do u like 2 wear ur hair?
  10. what do u usually do 4 ur b-day?
  11. What did you think of this quiz? (answer will not affect your score.)

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Quiz topic: What Frozen Character am I?