My OFFICIAL thread
Thread Topic: My OFFICIAL thread
They said that we both were too different,
That all the shine would fade away,
But I wish that I'd never listened
'Cause you pull me through the graaaaaay -
hello !
Hi! :-)
it's weird to think there's somebody more scatterbrained than me, even though right now I'm basically playing two games at the same time, listening through my own music soundscape thing for quality assurance, and also doing other random things like typing this post, all flickering in between each other...and yet chances are, I'm not the most scatterbrained person out there O_o
Man, everything's just...everything just a massive s---show right now, and I have no idea how to cope with any of it. Stuff going on on here, and in my life, and in the world at large, it's all just madness and I'm overwhelmed. I wish I could hide from it and just ignore everything like I always do but I just...can't. It just follows me. Everywhere I look is chaos and I'm scared, confused and sad. I just wanna go back to the days when I had some purpose, now it's all in vain, meaningless...
i'm sorry๐
Ah, well, it is what it is...
have a good day :)
Thank you, you too :-)
how are you
I'm alright, you?
Howdy Jupiter
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