My OFFICIAL thread
Thread Topic: My OFFICIAL thread
I really need to be able to go back to my main base from the outpost, but it's such a long way even in the nether that I need a ton of glass for the tunnel, and despite tons of looking, I haven't found a desert to get the sand from.
that seems like a lot to do
it is, but there really isn't any other way. I need to put a glass wall around the nether tunnel so that I can actually traverse it without worry of hoglins or ghasts or whatever else killing me along the way.
yeah good point
Alright, so...still no desert, but I found a workable strategy, I think. More annoying than if I could just find a desert but if it works it works. I'm getting sand from beach areas near the outpost. Doesn't yield a lot of sand but it's something.
The nether path is an L shape, I've got the short end of the L almost fully surrounded by glass, and that is one of the longer stretches that's out in the open, which is the big reason I need the glass.
On the long side, there is one area though where I don't think beach sand glass will be enough, it's just too far. If I can get back to my main base I think I remember finding a proper desert next to a mesa biome. It's also quite far away but I've gone there several times so it shouldn't be too hard to find, I'm just concerned if maybe it's too far to go for one inventory's worth of sand at a time. -
I suppose I could set up an outpost in the mesa/desert area, it's always good to be able to get more sand if you need it. I'm already setting up a nether highway system basically, so adding a tunnel there shouldn't be hard, especially because I'll then have easy access to as much glass as I need for the tunnels.
Short side of the L is finished, now for the long side. I've gotten the first open space of that done, but I'm out of sand/glass again, so I think I'll put my stuff away and try to make a run for it to main base and then look for that mesa.
Keep dying on the way to main base...
It's a self-perpetuating problem. I'm trying to get to main base to do things that will help me not die, but I can't do that because I keep dying lol -
Made it back to main base. Set my respawn point, on toward the mesa/desert!
Wow, I got really tired unexpectedly yesterday. Went to sleep almost immediately, weird.
I did find the mesa biome, I think the desert is just a transition biome around it but should serve to get me the sand I need. There's red sand, too, but I won't be using that. -
These trials make us who we are, we're motivated by the scars that we're made of
Alright, so I've been in the mesa area for quite awhile now, but stupid me forgot to take a diamond pickaxe. I may go back to home base, since doing so from here wouldn't be a difficult overworld trip, and plus I need to check what Y level the nether highway was at so that I can match that up.
Got a diamond pick and the nether highway is at Y=94 so now I can match that. Gonna eat irl and then start heading back to the mesa outpost.
Alright, mesa outpost and main base are officially connected up, and there are hardly any open areas on the way, so basically 100% of the glass I smelt will be going into building glass walls around the path to the mountain outpost. This will also make it easy to just bring the sand I get to main base and use my autosmelter there, which means I also can use lava for fuel, which I'm certainly very happy about.
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