Most recent movie you have watched?
- Pinned by DarkIsTheCat on Jun 30, '20 2:19pm
Thread Topic: Most recent movie you have watched?
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers
Jeni and Juno
Iron Man 3
Scream 4
Byzantium NewbieMonsters University
Mulan (today)
Pocahontas (tomorrow) -
ChiTownGal Newbie1. Schindler's List
2. The Pianist
3. The Painted Veil
(Couldn't decide which one is the best so I put them in order of greatness...) -
SpiderMan 3. It was so sad when Harry died and all UNTIL Peter started crying. God I couldn't stop laughing at his face!
The Ring Two
Poltergeist (original)
Despicable Me 2.
Two Brothers.
Scar Movie 3
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