Most recent movie you have watched?
- Pinned by DarkIsTheCat on Jun 30, '20 2:19pm
Thread Topic: Most recent movie you have watched?
Super 8 x3
@lily you just took the words out of my mouth. I completely agree with you on that, and throughout the entire movie i was laughing my guts out:P
@Vic I know! I was laughing when my sister jumped. It's not scary at all.
Hehehe..well..actually I DID jump
:O But I ate popcorn like a vacuum cleaner. :O
Wow:P I missed you, you weren't here for I don't know how long!
I missed you too, Really. =) Well I didn't feel good in GTQ for a while, You know.
Monster's Inc :)
Hex NewbieTHE VILE (watch it, it's so cool.)
The Princess Bride
Oz, the Great and Powerful..Boooring
The Princess Bride (again) xD
None xD
Oz the great and powerful
Agreed it ish boring -
Cadillac Records and Disney/Pixar "WALL-E"
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