Most recent movie you have watched?
- Pinned by DarkIsTheCat on Jun 30, '20 2:19pm
Thread Topic: Most recent movie you have watched?
Don't judge me on this now lol but I watched paw patrol the movie recently and it's actually one of my favorite movies to exist even though it's meant for kids,I'm a kid at heart.
I was watching the Greatest Showman recently. I love the film and I think all ages can enjoy it though I sometimes get called babyish for the things I watch.
Zimswife-I don't judge you at all. Me and my stepsister watched Peppa Pig the other day lol :) -
Titanic,it’s so sad but so beautiful at the same time
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows. Also am I the only one who just realized Draco malfoy is super hot! Don’t judge me for saying that. 😅
The rizz chronicles
I’ll give you a hint: tAlE aS oLd As TiMe SoNg As OlD aS rHyMe BeAuTy AnD tHe BeAsT
harry potter
[no urls]#
(If you haven't watched it, you should!) -
nimona is so good.
the most recent movie i watched i think is the electric state- its pretty good actually. -
I've been binge watching the Star Wars movies with my mom all week :)
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