Most recent movie you have watched?
- Pinned by DarkIsTheCat on Jun 30, '20 2:19pm
Thread Topic: Most recent movie you have watched?
The Emperors Sword
Don't remember most recent, I guess it wasn't that great...but I *know* I watched a movie.
I did recently watch the entire Matrix trilogy in one sitting though. Never watched it before. I really liked it (obviously or I wouldn't have sat for 7 straight hours watching it when I have like a 30 minute attention span)
The Smith transformation scenes awakened something in me lol -
Encanto. Finally watched it.
Mulan. Sang and quoted along with the movie
I going to watch giver soon at school for the 4th time lol
Tai Chi Master
Osmosis Jones
Fast and Furious 2
Fast and Furious 2
Avatar: The last bender
The Batman (2022)
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