Sn4pM4p's Profile

Joined on Feb 22, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Sn4pM4p's Recent Posts
"My pyromaniac alt. I like fire."
"Hmmmmmmmm. Okay."
"No. There's still Ranboo. Unless she dropped out...................."
"Do you even know who Gold is?"
"Knowing everyone, Quackity and Gold."
"No, he told you to find me. Now stop screaming and help me finish this build."
"Hey, that's my fiancé. Why are you hanging him??"
"Quackity, stop. Make her stop!! Please!!!!!!!!"
"My problem is memories, okay? Damn memories from my damn childhood."
"Niki, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn it."
"Quackity, Why? What if I don't want to talk about it? Lemon if you Dare!!!!!!!!!!"
"Only one who can mke me stop is Dream or Karl. Unless Schlatt's here. Then I'll shut up."
"Quackity, do you not know who I'm referring to? That one ex of yours who ab*$ed you?"
"Karl, you last called Quackity a terrorizing murderer. And you want us to stop fighting?"
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