The1ForU 2's Profile


The1ForU 2
Joined on Mar 4, 2022
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
100 Quiz
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The1ForU 2's Recent Posts

  • Life Without
    "i did. i have been asking all this time."
  • Life Without
    "late post, what hate full content did i spew?"
  • Life Without
    "and what should i have remorse over? you still did not answer me"
  • Life Without
    "my so called victim complex is reasonable, no matter how you wish it was. what is not reasonable is how i am hated with still no answer to t..."
  • Life Without
    "and there is still no answer cause there is none and i have a right to be angry about this so called inclusive website"
  • Life Without
    "how did i break the rule"
  • Life Without
    "you did not answer the question, what is your reasoning"
  • Life Without
    "your turn"
  • Life Without
    "Why was I banned? you:you said mean things I did not. When was that? you:you did though But what? What did I do wron"
  • Life Without
    "What would life be like without our homes? What would society be like if it were not our technology running the world? What would life be li..."
  • A Few Words
    "keep thinking that. i wont argue with you"
  • A Few Words
    "that person then got on MY thread and I had to make a rebuttal or else it would be held against me"
  • A Few Words
    "also, i did not push away anyone. I said an immature thing an fiddeffe's thread of hunger games and they took it as a homo joke which it was..."
  • A Few Words
    "i did not say the n word in that post about blm and my example was that protests are okay as long as yu do not burn down buildings and make ..."
  • A Few Words
    "I feel like an f1 narrator for some reason now. 'and me 2 stay takes the lead, but oh no! me 2 go is catching up! meanwhile, id"

The1ForU 2's Recent Quiz Comments
