Can you survive the following?

Oh I know that they were talking to people like 👍 and you know it’s a badge and’s a new one ☝ the other day I have never been there lol 😆 but this is just not me, this is predictive lol.

Taking up space is soooo easy in this place yeetus the fetus into outer space in the race this is dumb give bad rating lololollllolooloolooooloololloloolloloollololoololo

Created by: The1ForU 2
  1. Picture this. You are in a car crash and he car fell down into the lake(random, right?) what do you do?
  2. You are in your house when a catagory five hurricane is coming at you. You…
  3. You are in the desert and you are out of water, you…
  4. You are in the arctic and are running out of food. You….
  5. You are in a elevator and you are going to the top floor; level 200! When you get to level 198, the elevator free falls! What do you do?(either way you will probably not survive, but what will give you the BEST chances of surviving)
  6. You are now in Los Angels and you hear the earth cracking. Another earthquake! You….
  7. You are in a town and a nuke is approaching. You…
  8. You are in the arctic(again?) and you are starting to freeze. You….
  9. You are in a zombie apocalypse (really?) and you get bit. You…
  10. Your are in a alien invasion (this is a dumb quiz lol) and you get bitten(what is with the bitting???) and you are turning into a alien! You…
  11. You are kidnapped and you are tied hands back to a chair. They threaten to kill you with a gun they are holding so you…
  12. Part toooooooooooooooooo coming soon lol

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Quiz topic: Can I survive the following?
