Would you survive the Zombie Apocalypse?

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Hello! Peppermint01 here! This quiz is based on the book series Last Kids on Earth, and you will find out whether you could survive the zombie apocalypse! As always, don't despair if you don't get the answer you wanted!

If you haven't read the books Last Kids on Earth, guess what? You can still do the quiz! I don't care! I mean, don't if you don't want spoilers. Make sure to give this a great rating!

Created by: Peppermint01 of Amino account link :)
(your link here more info)
  1. It's a normal day at school, and you're hanging out with your friend Peppermint, when suddenly, an alarm starts to go off and people are screaming. What do you do?
  2. You get outside with Peppermint and see a giant portal in the sky. "Wait... Is that... a ZOMBIE?!" Peppermint pulls you away from it. Where should you go to stay safe?
  3. The rescue bus has left you behind. You notice two boys running separate directions, one wearing a lab coat, one with a bat. The boy with the bat waves for you to follow. Do you?
  4. The boy pulls you and Peppermint into a tree house. "I'm Jack Sullivan. Who are you two?" You introduce yourselves. "What is happening? Where are our parents?" Peppermint looks like she's gonna cry. What do you do?
  5. Jack holds up a busted walkie-talkie. "I need to go fix this. You coming with?" Peppermint shakes her head. Will you go?
  6. You run with Jack to the CVS, dodging zombies and monsters. Suddenly, you both stop and look up. It's a giant monster! What do you do?
  7. With arms full of snacks and a tiny screwdriver, you return to the tree house. Jack holds up a bunch of weapons. "Pick one!" Which one will you take?
  8. Jack is going to go get his friend Quint. You and Peppermint accompany him. Unfortunately, you all run into a pack of zombies and are separated! What do you do?
  9. You find Peppermint and Jack, but they are grabbed by Dozers! Who will you save?
  10. No matter who you chose, Jack is dropped but Peppermint is carried away. What do you do?
  11. You go see Jack's friend, Quint. He's pretty cool, a little nerdy. You all suit up and hop in Big Mama to go rescue Peppermint! Are you ready?
  12. The rescue works! It's been a few weeks, but it turns out an apocalypse can be fun! Thank you for taking my quiz!

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