Alexi's Library
Thread Topic: Alexi's Library
And I am gonna add trans characters in the second one just not the first one
I mean I would just make sure you have ideas for the non introduced characters in case you wind up wanting to add them- I'm also a sucker for new characters tho
That’s the thing tho I don’t have the ideas and I know I’ll need to add them in or at least acknowledge their existence at some point it’s so annoying
Or do I want to make it so Gloria’s story is first in the series THEN Joi’s
That way I can leave Joi’s story for now until I figure out more of the backstory aka Gloria’s story
So Gloria’s story can be first in the series and then Joi’s
But I fear I’m resorting to my “start a new book and everything will be fine” tendancies -
Ugh idk what to do
I don’t want to abandon 11 months of writing and story building etc but I just don’t know where to take this like I know how it starts and how it ends and most steps along the way but someone’s drawn with sharpie over some of the steps it’s there but it’s not -
Chester: are you okay
Jayden: yeah why
Chester: you fell down the stairs, laid on the ground for a full minute, then started singing baby shark -
..... baby shark doo doo do do do dooooo
Jayden is that you-
I might do the new story but then I have to develop new characters and s--- and ugh
And like I know Gloria’s story I know how this happens and I hope I don’t run into any plot holes but idk if this is the best approach because I don’t want this to be another story I abandon -
Note to self make Chester potentially have an existential crisis after shapeshifting a lot
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