Alexi's Library
Thread Topic: Alexi's Library
(And then Jayden is all like “Beatrice wtf” and gets all protective of Chester idk but Chester is traumatised)
should Chester be able to see them or is he too distracted by bEaTriCe to notice?) -
(Probably too distracted because tRaUmA it could be like in Percy Jackson where they can witness the dreams but can’t change them or interact with them just kinda look around)
(okok- no bc I want Maeve to be able to alter and interact in dreams bc it could be cute but it could just zap her energy a lot especially when it's nightmares as opposed to no dreams or good dreams and since Jaydens' there with her, she gets doubly wrecked by it)
(Oh yeah yeah yeah how did I forget about that- ok let’s do that then and then Chester gets like super worried and feels really bad
We could have it so she accidentally put herself into the dream and just figured out her power, and she’s panicking so she tries to summon lavender or Jayden to help since they’ll know what to do right and while Jayden is asleep she somehow summons him and they’re like “wait Beatrice and Chester are over there making out in the hallway wtf”) -
(alg lmao- ooooo ok
Omg yes that's so smart and Jayden can just sit there exhausted and emotionally destroyed lol
hang on tho do we want her to turn 16 before Jester becomes a thing or after?) -
(Omg yes and then Chester just looks at him for a split second and it kinda phases him like “wtf is Jayden doing here wait Jayden is my lover isn’t he what he Beatrice doing here wtf is going on” until Beatrice puts his attention back on her
Ahhh yeah uh we can change it so she turned 16 a few months before Jayden first arrived so we can still have her birthday drama soon) -
(oooo yessss
Yeah that works and then it can just be something where she doesn't use her power that often since she doesn't usually have to/want to (*cough* unless Lavender's staying over *cough*) so she still hasn't figured it out super well) -
(Oo yes like she’s figured it out but she’s too scared to use it because she doesn’t want to end up like Chester (doing it to unknowingly manipulate ppl) so she just doesn’t do it until it starts doing it on its own like Chester’s power
And the dream kinda flows how a dream normally would and Maeve doesn’t change much because “nah man I wanna see how this plays out”) -
(omg yes I love that so much
yeah or she's also like actively trying to change Chesters' dream and it's just not working and is making her more exhausted so Jayden has to be like 'dude it's not working please just stop') -
(Oo yes like she tries to make it so it’s Chester and Jayden instead of Beatrice to save them all the trauma but it doesn’t work)
(Yessssss exactly)
(That’s so yummy
Okok do you want to do it the next day or smth?) -
(Yeah the next day works)
(Oki sounds good!)
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