Alexi's Library
Thread Topic: Alexi's Library
Gonna try and bust out a group circus plot that maybe has a bit of horror
C1 is the ringmaster of a travelling circus. C2, C3, and C4 are all performers. C2 is losing the ability to control their powers, which can be anything (fire, ice, gas, etc), which is creating danger for others. This, tied with their trauma of hurting others, isn’t a good combination. C3, a fortune teller, is struggling with their romance with C1, while also coping with vivid dreams they keep having of the circus’s demise. C4, someone who can create illusions (I forgor the name of the power but they can like conjure up illusions with limit to how big and how much they differ from reality since they get really tired or smth), is also losing control of their powers, occasionally creating monsters and gore without meaning to.
And C1? C1 has been acting strange lately. More frantic, more paranoid, and has been isolating more, even cutting off their close friend, C2, who has been with them from the start.
C1 is bound to the circus, and is desperate to break free. They can’t leave.
One fateful night, we see C5 (will be played by the person also playing C1 aka ME bc C1 won’t be in all scenes), a normal person, who stumbles across the circus. They follow C2 backstage, intrigued, when all hell breaks loose. C4 recognises C5 as someone from their past (can be anything. Like literally anything. Idk rn) and panics. Boom crash bang they create a monster illusion that runs around creating chaos or whatever and knocks over a curtain, revealing a photo of C5’s grandmother.
Turns out that every second generation of C5’s family is fated to stumble across the circus and destroy it, breaking the bond C1 has with it, letting them go back to being a normal person, but also taking away all the performer’s powers. None of C5’s ancestors have managed to succeed. Will C5 manage to, will they become a performer, will they die, etc? We’ll just see ig
The more C4 and C2 lose control of their powers, the more the lines between real and not real are blurred. Monsters become real, the horrors become real, and C3’s horrible dreams start to become reality, almost telling the future. What will happen -
Wowzers I cooked that look at all that text guys
If anyone wants to join this lmk :)
Literally anyone can join. It can also include psychological horror, gore, etc -
woah that's cool as hell
Tyty lol
I might open it this afternoon if anyone is interested in joining -
i would join 😋 i haven't rped here in years but i can start again
Slay, I’ll open it this afternoon then :)
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