I have a problem with someone
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:35pm
Thread Topic: I have a problem with someone
Le1f is rude to me and disrespectful.
cute_Le1F Newbiedunt ofend me u r rood
Not you I mean the other le1f
Deeznuts101 handle it maturely ignore him or do not speak to him if you don't like him.
But I don't see how you can not like Le1f I -
_Le1F NewbieI iz the reel leaf
Those reasons are not grounds for punishment. Since it's a personal problem, I suggest you talk it out with that user. Or at the very least ignore themModerator
mcqueen stop sucking le1f offends her!!!!!
Brian: Have a look on the matter carefully. Is he the real problem or his rudeness? I am not offending anybody, just ignore his rudeness, not him.
Le1F NoviceIf u hav a problem wid leif I recumend u leaf gotoquiz.com
Le1f is now my new god
Le1F Novicehere iz prooff that deeznutz is meen
Oh, I'm sorry the big mean Leify-weify is offending you. Maybe, Leslie, if you could put your big girl panties on and do something more productive with your time than complain about rude people on the internet, you could actually move on from this grueling punishment. This isn't the hap-hap-happiest corner of the internet if you can't tell. This is the real world. People are going to be rude and it'll suck. Get over it.
Le1f. Change the names. Same applies to you. Bob out.
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