Deeznutz101's Profile

Joined on Oct 20, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Deeznutz101's Quizzes
- My 1st shout out quiz[published: Oct 30, 2015, 3 comments]
This is my first shout out quiz. If you are one of the people on my shout out quiz then congratulations.……
- which fnaf 1 animatronic are you.[published: Oct 23, 2015, 2 comments]
this is to see which animatronic you are in fnaf one. ……
- would you date me(girls only)[published: Oct 21, 2015, 67 comments]
hi my real name is brian and im 14 years old. ive been single for 3 years. that is because my ex……
Deeznutz101's Recent Posts
"Hug because homeys hug homeys always."
"My b-day is on 12th of August."
"Plus I'm the one that is supposed to be dating Emma."
"Kawii is a bi girl"
"There once was a man from Peru. Who dreamed he was eating his shoe. He woke with a fright. In the middle of the night."
"Stop stealing my f---ing lines."
"I want to eat a cookie"
"Tell your dad that he is the one that is stupid."
"I played MINECRAFT on all devices except for playstation"
"How many iron ingots do you need to make an iron golem. I know the answer to this question but I'm not giving it out unless you can guess it..."
"Either wood or dirt"
"Anything MINECRAFT related"
"My favorite color is red and my favorite tv show is family guy and my favorite movie is pixels. Remember this so that the next hacker that t..."
Deeznutz101's Recent Quiz Comments
"67 so damn close"
1 -
"Damn son where'd ya find this."
1 -
"Oh my god that was so funny"
1 -
"your crap is for scrubs like yourself"
1 -
"Wow I just read all of that crap about a week ago and now I'm still not dead"
1 -
"72% king"
1 -
"What a big jokester you are"
1 -
"I survived. Like I new I was a born survivor"
1 -
"Do you like waffles yes we like waffles do you like pancakes yes we like pancakes do you like French toast yes we like French toast dodo…"
1 -
"Out of all the Simpsons episodes I have ever seen. I have never seen that one."