Fat test: Am I fat? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Fat test: Am I fat?
I got 0% fat, ha but it's true though
Dakailo1 -
I got fat
I got 0%. I am 12 and weigh about 4 and a half stone:P
I got 89% fat
Fat girl1 -
I weigh 130 and im a 13yr old f am I fat
JorjaMA1 -
I'm 5foot 7 and weight 115lbs
Guy021 -
I'm 13 5'10 250 pounds
cdog1 -
I'm 12 and I weigh 72kg
I'm 5ft 6 and have lots of fat rolls and huge thighs
Mairead1 -
I'm 14 and I got 13% fat
am i becoming fat it says 48%
i got 18 percent... i'm 12 and i'm 85 pounds but some kids in my grade r like still in there 70's and i'm going in 7th grade, is that bad i'm 85?
I got 0%?! I'm NOT anorexic!!
cometcat1 -
I am 14, 5'0 and I weigh like 88 lbs. I'm not anorexic although I only got 5% hmmm....
0% I'm not anorexic, I'm just naturally really skinny...
I am5"6 and 566lib
Swws1 -
well im like 12 and I weight around 92-95lb it says I got 3% fat e.e LIES I feel so fat my legs are like the worst part UGH help Dx
3% im super skinny and need to gain weight
89% and yeah i am morbidly obese and i need asistance walking and running
wtf? I'm not anorexic, I'm a few pounds off obese...
lardy1231 -
wtf? I'm not anorexic, I'm a few pounds off obese...
lardy1231 -
ya you can go and screw your self ever you don't know my well your just jelous no i'm not to skin !! LYNETTE!!
lynette1 -
17%...which a) I'm not annorexic and b) I'm soooo not skinny either. Whatever.
xxdarkxx1 -
I got 11%. I am 13, 5’2”, and 116 pounds. Not a very accurate quiz, to be honest.
I got 3%? Im almost 13 and im about 95 pounds o dont need to gain weight
Laurenxp1 -
i have 68% fat! yeah! i'm 13 years old and i'm 184 pounds! someone higher than me in my age?