Fat test: Am I fat? | Comments

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  • You are way too skinny. You got a low score. Go gain some weight! Like... 100 lbs! Here is an official diagnosis: Anorexia nervosa (also referred to simply as anorexia) is a condition characterized by significant weight loss due to an intentional attempt to restrict eating. While the word anorexia is Greek for "without hunger," it is a misnomer, for when you have anorexia you can actually be painfully hungry, despite your denial of food. You just won't admit the hunger. One percent of teenage girls in the US develop anorexia and 10% of them may die as a result. Anorexia is also known to affect males. For more information, see our page on Eating Concerns and Men. A formal diagnosis of anorexia is made when you: * Are at least 15% below what would be considered a normal body weight (for your height and age) * Are still dieting to lose more weight, and you are unwilling or unable to stop * When, you, if you are a female, have stopped menstruating for three consecutive months * When there

    hip hop
  • 83% you are: You are OBESE

    Being obese can increase the risk of developing a number of health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The path to a healthier weight is about making gradual, sustainable changes, not quick fixes.

    First and foremost, it's important to remember that weight loss is about more than just the number on the scale. It's about improving your overall health. Take a look at what you eat. Try to add more whole, unprocessed foods to your diet, like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Not only are these foods good for you, but they can also help you feel more satisfied, which can lead to a natural reduction in calorie intake.

    Staying active is also a big part of losing weight and staying healthy. If you're not currently active, start with small, manageable steps. Even short walks or light exercises can make a difference, and you can build on them over time. The idea is to find activities you enjoy and can fit into your daily routine.

    It's also a good idea to think about other things in your life that might be affecting your weight, like sleep and stress. It's important to get enough good sleep and find healthy ways to manage stress, as this can have a big impact on your weight loss efforts.

    Given the health risks associated with obesity, it might also be a good idea to chat with a healthcare professional. They can give you personalized advice, support, and may even suggest things like dietary counseling or a structured weight loss program. In some cases, medication or surgery may be options, but you should think carefully about these and talk to your doctor about them in detail.

    Remember, the goal is to start on a path to better health, not just to lose weight. Be patient with yourself and understand that progress takes time. Celebrate your wins, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward. You have what it takes to make the changes you need to live a healthier, happier life.

    12% of 1

  • For 83% you are: You are OBESE

    Being obese can increase the risk of developing a number of health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The path to a healthier weight is about making gradual, sustainable changes, not quick fixes.

    First and foremost, it's important to remember that weight loss is about more than just the number on the scale. It's about improving your overall health. Take a look at what you eat. Try to add more whole, unprocessed foods to your diet, like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Not only are these foods good for you, but they can also help you feel more satisfied, which can lead to a natural reduction in calorie intake.

    Staying active is also a big part of losing weight and staying healthy. If you're not currently active, start with small, manageable steps. Even short walks or light exercises can make a difference, and you can build on them over time. The idea is to find activities you enjoy and can fit into your daily routine.

    It's also a good idea to think about other things in your life that might be affecting your weight, like sleep and stress. It's important to get enough good sleep and find healthy ways to manage stress, as this can have a big impact on your weight loss efforts.

    Given the health risks associated with obesity, it might also be a good idea to chat with a healthcare professional. They can give you personalized advice, support, and may even suggest things like dietary counseling or a structured weight loss program. In some cases, medication or surgery may be options, but you should think carefully about these and talk to your doctor about them in detail.

    Remember, the goal is to start on a path to better health, not just to lose weight. Be patient with yourself and understand that progress takes time. Celebrate your wins, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward. You have what it takes to make the changes you need to live a healthier, happier life.

    12% of 1

  • For 83% you are: You are OBESE

    Being obese can increase the risk of developing a number of health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The path to a healthier weight is about making gradual, sustainable changes, not quick fixes.

    First and foremost, it's important to remember that weight loss is about more than just the number on the scale. It's about improving your overall health. Take a look at what you eat. Try to add more whole, unprocessed foods to your diet, like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Not only are these foods good for you, but they can also help you feel more satisfied, which can lead to a natural reduction in calorie intake.

    Staying active is also a big part of losing weight and staying healthy. If you're not currently active, start with small, manageable steps. Even short walks or light exercises can make a difference, and you can build on them over time. The idea is to find activities you enjoy and can fit into your daily routine.

    It's also a good idea to think about other things in your life that might be affecting your weight, like sleep and stress. It's important to get enough good sleep and find healthy ways to manage stress, as this can have a big impact on your weight loss efforts.

    Given the health risks associated with obesity, it might also be a good idea to chat with a healthcare professional. They can give you personalized advice, support, and may even suggest things like dietary counseling or a structured weight loss program. In some cases, medication or surgery may be options, but you should think carefully about these and talk to your doctor about them in detail.

    Remember, the goal is to start on a path to better health, not just to lose weight. Be patient with yourself and understand that progress takes time. Celebrate your wins, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward. You have what it takes to make the changes you need to live a healthier, happier life.

    12% of 1

    The first thingy
  • The answer is... you are 0% fat!

    You are way too skinny. You got a low score. Go gain some weight! Like... 100 lbs! Here is an official diagnosis: Anorexia nervosa (also referred to simply as anorexia) is a condition characterized by significant weight loss due to an intentional attempt to restrict eating. While the word anorexia is Greek for "without hunger," it is a misnomer, for when you have anorexia you can actually be painfully hungry, despite your denial of food. You just won't admit the hunger. One percent of teenage girls in the US develop anorexia and 10% of them may die as a result. Anorexia is also known to affect males. For more information, see our page on Eating Concerns and Men. A formal diagnosis of anorexia is made when you: * Are at least 15% below what would be considered a normal body weight (for your height and age) * Are still dieting to lose more weight, and you are unwilling or unable to stop * When, you, if you are a female, have stopped menstruating for three consecutive months * When there is a distortion in how you perceive your shape and size * You put an excessive investment of your self-esteem into your shape and size * You have an intense fear of being "fat"

  • A little skinny....you got a good score. You could gain a little Here is a diagnosis for anorexia: Anorexia nervosa (also referred to simply as anorexia) is a condition characterized by significant weight loss due to an intentional attempt to restrict eating. While the word anorexia is Greek for "without hunger," it is a misnomer, for when you have anorexia you can actually be painfully hungry, despite your denial of food. You just won't admit the hunger. One percent of teenage girls in the US develop anorexia and 10% of them may die as a result. Anorexia is also known to affect males. For more information, see our page on Eating Concerns and Men. A formal diagnosis of anorexia is made when you: * Are at least 15% below what would be considered a normal body weight (for your height and age) * Are still dieting to lose more weight, and you are unwilling or unable to stop * When, you, if you are a female, have stopped menstruating for three consecutive months * When there is a distortion

    Kalari Lina Mary Lopez
  • The answer is... you are 18% fat!

    A little skinny....you got a good score. You could gain a little Here is a diagnosis for anorexia: Anorexia nervosa (also referred to simply as anorexia) is a condition characterized by significant weight loss due to an intentional attempt to restrict eating. While the word anorexia is Greek for "without hunger," it is a misnomer, for when you have anorexia you can actually be painfully hungry, despite your denial of food. You just won't admit the hunger. One percent of teenage girls in the US develop anorexia and 10% of them may die as a result. Anorexia is also known to affect males. For more information, see our page on Eating Concerns and Men. A formal diagnosis of anorexia is made when you: * Are at least 15% below what would be considered a normal body weight (for your height and age) * Are still dieting to lose more weight, and you are unwilling or unable to stop * When, you, if you are a female, have stopped menstruating for three consecu

  • You people have no idea what anorexia is.

    Anorexia is NOT: dieting, being average weight, having an athletic level of body fat, or not wanting to be fat.

    Anorexia IS: actively making yourself underweight under the false perception you are obese, and continuing to diet obsessively while knowing you are underweight

  • Result: Immobile, or no limit 90%

    If you got this result, you definitely are a feeder! You want a girl, who is first chubby, or plump. Then you feed her so much food, that she soon becomes obese. You love her being obese, and you are already proud of how fat you fed your girl, but you enjoy feeding your girl too much. The fatter she gets, the more beautiful she becomes. So you keep on (force)feeding her, and many calories later, you decide it's easier for your girl to stay in bed, while you bring her all the food. She becomes too fat to get out of bed. This is the right opportunity for both of you, to feed her even fatter then she already is! You like to feed your girl until she becomes immobile, beyond! Too fat to do anything and completely dependent to you, her feeder!

    The first time
  • The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 95%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    85% Obese
    51% Really starting to get big
    29% Overweight
    10% Close to overweight.
    6% Perfect!
    5% You are underweight.
    2% You are way

    The first time
  • The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate

    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 95%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    85% Obese
    51% Really starting to get big
    29% Overweight
    10% Close to overweight.
    6% Perfect!
    5% You are underweight.
    2% You are way

    The first time
  • Mines said 3%, witch is true,I'm 11 and I workout 6-7 days a week, I am 5 foot 3 and I think 120 lbs, I have a slow metabolism,witch I was born with, I have pretty darn good abs,and upper abdominal muscles,my weak spot is my chest, that's all, overall I am skinny lean and muscular.

    • You dont need a big chest if you have a skinny build.

      Long Wang Barry
  • The answer is... you are 8% fat!

    You are way too skinny. You got a low score. Go gain some weight! Like... 100 lbs! Here is an official diagnosis: Anorexia nervosa (also referred to simply as anorexia) is a condition characterized by significant weight loss due to an intentional attempt to restrict eating. While the word anorexia is Greek for "without hunger," it is a misnomer, for when you have anorexia you can actually be painfully hungry, despite your denial of food. You just won't admit the hunger. One percent of teenage girls in the US develop anorexia and 10% of them may die as a result. Anorexia is also known to affect males. For more information, see our page on Eating Concerns and Men. A formal diagnosis of anorexia is made when you: * Are at least 15% below what would be considered a normal body weight (for your height and age) * Are still dieting to lose more weight, and you are unwilling or unable to stop * When, you, if you are a female, have stopped menstruating for three consecutive months * When there is a distortion in how you perceive your shape and size * You put an excessive investment of your self-esteem into your shape and size * You have an intense fear of being "fat"

    listen pal buddy!um u c i am only a kid i am 10 maybe 11 maybe 12 it is none of ur beezwax anyway at my age i am not too skinny but i aint too fat, and u dont no me so what can u say now huh???????????????? ??????

    hip hop
  • Way to skinny? I have been diagnosed with anorexia but I struggle to see myself being skinny usually. I know my BMI isnt good and I have lots of mental stress from the disorder but it's still a hard thing to view on wut others see usually. Even when it's almost ready to kill me. I'm trying to recover but it's very hard still.

  • I got 36% "perfection"... although i feel like i could lose a little bit? Im 102.5kg / 16 stone / 225 pounds and im 6'1 or 185 cm tall... Im over weight even if i may not look it. Maybe its muscles.. I dont have any fat rolls when i sit but my belly kind of overlaps my pants. My legs are pretty much muscle and its REALLY hard to find pants that actually fit unless they are like sweat pants in any form or shorts. I'm male

    • Hey 6ft1 225 is impressive if its all muscle

      Long Wang Barry
  • I got 17% on this quiz and I'm 13 and I weigh 89 lbs and people think I'm skinny and when I found out bmi I tried that and I got 16.9 and I got worried that I was underweight. Srsly I'm only 5' 0.875" I'm very short mostly because of genetics because my parents are about 60-63" and my grandparents are 56-60 inches and they weigh about 110-160 lbs

    • I got 68% im 18 and I weight 116 kg, im male.

  • Your Result: Obese

    You are super overweight and it is really unhealthy! You should lose a lot of weight. Your entire body most likely bounces and jiggles with every movement you make.

    71% Fat
    25% Chubby
    0% Pudgy
    0% Normal/Slim

  • How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate
    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 95%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :

    The first time
  • : Morbidly Obese 95%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    85% Obese
    51% Really starting to get big
    29% Overweight

  • Your Result: Obese 95%

    Your life has been ruined by being obese. You are dangerously overweight. Lose weight, but you already have fat cells that don't go away easily. This could lead to surgery or even death. Go on a d

    The first

  • I weigh 104 pounds and my lil brother weighs 106 am I under wait I'm not even that tall I got 0% fat on the quiz I scooter walk my dog eat pretty good I'm 12 it said te avage weight for a 12 year old is 93 pound don't see that happening my brother isn't so well off but am I under or over weight

    • I am 60lbs

  • Result: Obese 98%

    You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!

    The first time
  • Result: Obese 98%

    You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!

  • PERFECTION! You got the perfect score of.............PERF ECT! Good job!Here are 2 diagnosis: Obesity is a physical condition, and technical definitions of obesity are an attempt to define a certain level of body fatness. Because actual and accurate assessments of body composition are not available in most clinical settings, an attempt has been made to define obesity as a function of body weight instead. This practice has obvious limitations, because people at higher weights due to muscle mass (such as athletes) would be misclassified. Nevertheless, obesity has been defined as being at 130% of estimated ideal body weight; it has also been defined as a Body Mass Index of 30. AND Anorexia nervosa (also referred to simply as anorexia) is a condition characterized by significant weight loss due to an intentional attempt to restrict eating. While the word anorexia is Greek for "without hunger," it is a misnomer, for when you have anorexia you can actually be painfully hungry, despite your denial of food. You just won't admit the hunger. One percent of teenage girls in the US develop anorexia and 10% of them may die as a result. Anorexia is also known to affect males. For more information, see our page on Eating Concerns and Men. A formal diagnosis of anorexia is made when you: * Are at least 15% below what would be considered a normal body weight (for your height and age) * Are still dieting to lose more weight, and you are unwilling or unable to stop * When, you, if you are a female, have stopped menstruating for three consecutive months * When there is a distortion in how you perceive your shape and size * You put an excessive investment of your self-esteem into your shape and size * You have an intense fear of being "fat"

  • I am 67% fat and i Am actually fat so. I have 7 fat rolls. I am a 12 year old girl. i am 5 ft 1 inch. All my friends are so f***king skinny. They try to encourage me to lose weight. I have gained 15 pounds since Christmas. Putting me up to 123 pounds.


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