Fat test: Am I fat? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Fat test: Am I fat?
1% seriously I am not that skinny I am too fat
637321 -
I am 5,5 and 141 i find myself too fat but all those tests say that i am too skinny, help?
Itsmeee1 -
I weight 146 pounds and I am 13 years old and I got a 53%.
midrea1 -
I got 0% and I'm sick of hearing about your body measurements. NOBODY GIVES A SHIEEEEEEEET!
im 11 and 110 pounds, 4'8 and i fat. They said i am but I'm only fat on my stomach, other than that i am so skinny
I am 13 years old, i weigh 108. Am i fat?
Cause i got 12% percent that im fat.
Is 12% fat?dyu1231 -
im 5foot.7 and weigh 629 pounds HELP ME ohhhhhhhh chicken and garlic pizza with coke 249 calories dont call me fat im only 629 pounds thats nothing.... well i think
im 5foot.7 and weigh 629 pounds HELP ME ohhhhhhhh chicken and garlic pizza with coke 249 calories dont call me fat im only 629 pounds thats nothing.... well i think
I am 11 4'11 and 122 pounds. I am too fat what should I do?
Umer1 -
I got 13% fat. f--- im obese. im 5'1 and weigh 120. I want to lose weight so badly like 15 pounds. I do a lot of exercise but it doesn't work!
blaze8881 -
I got 68% fat I am 13 I have 3-4 belly roles I am 5'5 and the last time I checked I was 140lbs help
kim1231 -
Really bad for self esteem it said i was 93% fat
92% IS RIGHT. I cant even get a boyfriend. I am only 12 years old here
i am way too skinny, lol. it says i should gain 100 pounds . i don't think thats a good idea since i am already am 5 ft 2" and weigh 117 pounds. Thats normal lol!
I'm 11 and I got 94% I'm I really fat I'm not lying on the questions
i got bored with my real answer so i made it sound like im fat haha u should do its funny
emokitty1 -
i am an average person thank god!!!!!!What if i got fat ahhhhhhhhh i would scream.im sexy and if anyone wants me my number is 1-347-677-6487.call me
ya you can go and screw your self ever you don't know my well your just jelous no i'm not to skin !! LYNETTE!! oo ya im also not anorexic i'm 5'3" and weight 103 and have a grat body j/k but no realy
lynette1 -
First of all... Awfully long disciption thing. Also, I'm NOT ANOREXIC! Seriously
They just gave me like a whole speech of how anorexic I am.. am not, I am just sexy. (;
cortnii1 -
I am 5;7 and223lib am I obese
I got 84%, I have 4 fat rolls and i can easily play with my tummy
AshBash1 -
95% no surprises there
I'm 11 years old but I got 55%. I know I'm a little fat but not that fat
Fat dude1 -
I’m also a girl for those who are wondering.