Fat test: Am I fat? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Fat test: Am I fat?
i dont feel like changing then i wont eat chicken for a year thats impossible i need food omg my mother bought 12 boxes of icecream hotdog flavour YAY
I'm 11 5ft, and I weigh 107lbs, my goal is to get suuper fat, I lost slot of weight and I enjoy being super fat, what should I eat?
saige1 -
I am 17 years old and weigh 145 pounds, i am also 6'9. I got 29%, and I have like 2/3 belly rolls, but I am neither thin nor fat, so Want to become chubby
Head1 -
The answer is... you are 58% fat! 58%
Chubby.... you could loose a little bit of those fat rolls. Your score was a tad bit high. A size XL is just right...
Loose? No ways! I love my chub ^^
What a stupid f***ing test. I'm 5ft 11in, 160 pounds and in awesome shape, and it says I'm anorexic. This quiz is total balls.
11%. Apparently an XL would be way too big on me. Ironic because I need a 2XL to fit my shoulders
The answer is... you are 6% fat! 6%
You are way too skinny. You got a low score. Go gain some weight! Like... 100 lbs! A size XL is the grand canyon on you!
i got 57% Im 12 i weigh 12 fkin stone some muscle probably adds to that but I have big fkin kangaroo pouch and moobs i literally just started changing my ways couple minutes ago.
I am 13 an result was the same. I am 5'2 and I weigh 150 lbs. I have no thigh gap, jiggle all over and my I can' t fit into size 10. I don't think I can ever lose it
As long as you are healthy and not overweight on the bmi chart your perfectly fine
Fhhaguh1 -
As long as you are healthy and not overweight on the bmi chart your perfectly fine
Fhhaguh1 -
I'm 14. 5 foot 2 and I weigh 155 pounds. I'm huge and dislike myself for it but, I want to change. Can anyone help me?
The answer is... you are 95% fat! 95%
FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help
Swws0 -
The answer is... you are 100% fat!
100%FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help.
It said I was 17% fat but im 12 and I weigh 120 pounds my body is pretty normal and I have some muscle
46%. How depressing. I'm gonna go do another 100 curl-ups
swiftie1 -
The answer is... you are 25% fat! 25%
A little skinny....you got a good score. You could gain a little A size XL is huge on you! Please do eat some food!
um genevieve im sorry but you are anorexic 78 pounds isnt normal weight for 5'0 and to the other girl that said she wasnt overweight sorry but you are 138 pounds is overweight for 4'11
xjennax1 -
0%. I Am 14 Years Old, 5.2 And Weigh 104 Pounds. Compared To A Lot Of You People I Seem Like I Should Be WAY More Than I Am...
Im twelve years old and I weigh 86 pounds. There is nothing wrong with that. But i guess to you Im anerexict. How stupid
ok. I am 265 pounds and I 17. yes I can see my toes. and i am not afraid to get in a pool. it said i was 18% and i was anorexic. there needs to be more middle ground and not just FATTY or ANOREXIC
I'm not anorexic, I'm just naturally skinny. 5'8" and 105 pounds.
0%.....I am NOT anorexic. I'm just small for my age. I don't weigh much, but if I gained much more weight I'd start getting fat.
Sws22121 -