Fat test: Am I fat? | Comments

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  • you are 92% fat! 92%

    FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help.

  • I am 13, 5 foot 1, and I weight 111 pounds. I feel extremely fat. I have no thigh gap. I got 11% fat. But I feel obese. I work out 4-6 days a week which is much less than I used to. Any workout tips???

    Kevin Cleverbot
    • As a fellow fit guy with big legs, I feel you bro

      Long Wang Barry
  • Another 0% on a quiz for me. I'm on a roll! (Pun totally intended) but I don;t have anorexia, in fact i love to stuff my face. I'm a 150 lb. 23 year old who is 6"6. So I tihnk 150 lb. is a good weight. Mostly muscle anyway -_^

  • wtf I'm not anorexic... The last time I checked, anorexic people do not consume cookies, candy and ice cream on a daily basis (almost)... *cough*

  • 11%.
    I'm not anorexic, I'm just not fat!

    You're 104 pounds and you're 13-15 years old? I'm 125 pounds, 5 feet tall, and younger than that. Which does not make me a small child! >:(

    -Appayipyip, Commodore-in-Dreami ng

    (Yeah! Commodore in Dreaming! I've had 21 dreams and counting about Commodores, and I do "dream" about being one.)

  • answer is... you are 95% fat! 95%

    FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really

    The first thingy
  • are 98% fat! 98%

    FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help.

    Shayne W Shay
  • I got 83%, I guess I didn't think I was that fat. This is the comment they left me with, after I finished the quiz.

    Tubby.... Ugh...loose like, 50 lbs.! Your unhealthy score was too high! A size XL is just right on you!

  • I am 0% fat? Too skinny... I'm not sure, I am 12 and weigh 36kg, I am average height. Am I fat, cause even though I have a fat stomach, I always think I am chubby... Can someone plz answer

    • I meant I have a flat stomach.

  • Oh and it said I should gain 100 lbs, witch is a lie, the muscle mass ratio shouldn't count weight by fat, so I don't need to eat more.

  • Mine said I'm only 4% fat... And should gain 100pounds like well I'm 5'2 and weigh 103 pounds:/ like that could mean I'm underweight, idk :( I'm very insecure about my weight.

  • You fatties know you're fat. You don't need a quiz to tell you unless you're looking for that excuse to claim people should see your "inner beauty." I guess that beauty includes your self-indulgence, irresponsibility and instant gratification. All traits I run screaming from in a woman. Plow on, cattle.

  • As long as you are eating right and healthy , and not overweight on the bmi chart your perfectly fine

  • I just turned 10 and my result said: Lose 50 pounds or something and it called me tubby :( . I am 4'8 and weigh 85. Ughh. I have NO thigh gap, either. I need lose wheight BAD

  • i got 21% fat i'm 5'2 and like 125-130 ibs. (dk really haven't weighed in a while). i hate the scales. i have sorta kinda one belly roll. I just wanna get down to at least 120 so i can be like skinny instead of "healthy".

  • my score was 25% fat .. I do not need to go eat some more thanks! ...lol ............im 5'5 and 190 which I consider myself chubby but people say im not fat that I just have a big booty and nice curves and thick legs ... so this thing is pretty jacked up haha..

    • your obese by your bmi but dw abt it

  • 93% fat! True!! I eat like crazy, I have like 5 fat rolls, everyone loves playing with my flabby belly! And I loose stuff in my rolls! Hehe :)

  • im 135lb. and 5'2"...im overweight so i got this new flirty girl fit thing and it works no lie i was 150!! no lie!! i got tired of feeling like i was fat so i did this and it made me feel sexy..i deffinately recommend it..and you learn some fun moves

  • this sucks,it says I have to GAIN weight

    Well.....I'm not exactly skinny....I don't have fat rolls but compared to others I seem podgy so I don't think I'll take there advice....

  • I'm 18, female, 5'6" and weight about 180 lb. I don't feel fat, but I see pictures of myself and it shatters my self confidence.

  • Thsi is ridiculous!!!!!!!!! im am not anorexic infact i love to eat my food.i am 6'0", and weigh 52kg and am 13. you should realsie that some people like themselves for who they are. so u should get your facts right before you start to make people feel body concious!!

  • Update on Commodore Dreams- I have now had 51 Commodore Dreams.

  • results
    Your belly is 100%!

    OM G, what do you eat!?! Your HUGE!! I'm not even sure if there's any hope for you! Your an eating machine and I'm not sure if anything you do will make you thinner!

    The first thingy
  • results
    Your belly is 100%!

    OM G, what do you eat!?! Your HUGE!! I'm not even sure if there's any hope for you! Your an eating machine and I'm not sure if anything you do will make you thinner!

  • i dont feel like changing then i wont eat chicken for a year thats impossible i need food omg my mother bought 12 boxes of icecream hotdog flavour YAY


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