dose ur mom hate u?

Kids wonder if their moms have love or hate from them. This quiz if based off experience. I'm sorry if u feel like ur alone and scared. You're okay, ur gonna get through this sadness.

If you don't want to see bad results DO NOT take this quiz!!! Just in case. This is just based off life experience with my mother, it could be different with urs.

Created by: Alice
  1. Did your mom ever call you useless?
  2. Did your mom throw things at you?
  3. when was the last time your mom said she hated you?
  4. When was the last time she said "i love you"?
  5. Dose your mom treat you less then ur sibling?
  6. Do you have more responsibilities then the rest of the family and get treated poorly?
  7. Do you have anxiety?
  8. If u do have anxiety, is it because of ur mom?
  9. dose ur mom make fun of u?
  10. u ready for the results??????????????

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