Does your father love you?

Hi everyone! This is a quiz for the doubtful people that are unsure if their father loves them or not. Fathers are attached to their kids since their birth, but due to some conflict we may feel that he hates us.

Please answer honestly or else you will not have clear answers for the test. If you get a bad result, please don't be sad. No dad can hate his child. EVER.!

Created by: Dorothy Anne
  1. If you were gone for a year and finally come back, what would his reaction be?
  2. Does he ever tell you that he loves you?
  3. If you ask him for money, what does he say?
  4. Does he bring you gifts?
  5. Does he hit you?
  6. If you score low marks on a test, what is his reaction?
  7. If you have no clothes and you have to go outside urgently what does he do?
  8. If he can take back having you
  9. How often does he hit/fight with you?
  10. Does he cry when you're hurt?

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Quiz topic: Does my father love you?
