Are You In The Hospital?

Indiana & Kentucky Hospitals Are Full Of Crazy People Be Aware They Attack, Do Nasty Things etc. So If You Did Anything To Give Yourself Really Bad Diarrhoea Just Be Careful Because There's Also Some Gang Kids

Also Be Aware Of The Trap Door Pyjama Kids As They Poop On Random Things & Also One Of Them Has His White Trapdoor Jammies Unbuttoned & A Clear Container Attached To His Bum Plus He Has Diarrhoea So Every Patient Can See This Kid Having His Bowel Movements Also This Kid Is Loud As He's Screaming In Pain Because Flaming Liquid Faeces Is Coming Out Of His Bum This Kid Is Also Known As The Toilet Kid You Better Watch Out

Created by: Amaris
  1. Are You Allowed To Bring Clothing With Drawstrings?
  2. Where Did Those Kids In The Hospital Waiting Rooms Come From?
  3. Do You Bring Nail Clippers?
  4. What Caused You To Be In The Hospital?
  5. Are You Allowed To Bring Dental Floss?
  6. How Many Hair Ties Or Rubber Bands Are You Allowed To Bring?
  7. Would You Bring Your Own Food, Drinks Or Snacks?
  8. If You Were Allowed To Bring Trousers Which Ones Will You Choose To Bring
  9. Are You Allowed To Bring Razors?
  10. What Would The Hospital Staff Do If You Couldn't Stop Crying?
  11. If You Wanna Bring Your Toothbrush Which Ones Are You Allowed To Bring?
  12. What Clothing Designs Are You Allowed To Bring?
  13. You Have To Wear Shoes, Which Ones Will They Let You Bring?
  14. A Kid Brought An Empty Container & His Toy Boat & He Is Really Bad Diarrhoea Sick What Would He Do?
  15. You Are In The ER Waiting Room What Kids Would You Meet?
  16. You Wanted To Bring Your Stuffed Animals, Which Ones Are You Allowed To Bring?

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Quiz topic: Am I In The Hospital?
