Does your crush like you?

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Ayyyy I have a internet crush quiz also. So take that if ya want. So totally check that out Yeet yeet meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp

Thx for doin this one lol yeet Yeet meep woot woot meep Meeeep meeeeepp yeeeet yyeeeeeetttt Yeett Yeet. Wooop woooooooop meepdnsnowjdndjeidjdejhsnejt meep

Created by: Cassidy
  1. Do you ever catch them looking at you?
  2. How often do they talk to you?
  3. Your crush says hey!. What do you do?
  4. say your crush and friends are around. Do they act differently then they normally would when you are not around?
  5. Do they know you exist?
  6. Do they ever talk about some personal stuff?
  7. Have you ever had physical contact? What kind?
  8. Do they ever tease you/make fun of you playfully
  9. Are they shy around you more than usual
  10. Ok I’m done with this lol. I have another quiz about internet crushes if u wanna take that. Answer won’t affect anything ☺

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you?
