Mount Everest Test

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So you think you got what it takes to join because you got 1 summit? you're only half there, to join this club you must pass this test, 50% or more. Good luck my nigga.

Good luck to all of you taking the test, I believe in you! now i have to make this 150 characters so im gonna keep on saying random crap yeet yeet beat my meat

Created by: ECC Co. of Everest Climbing Club
(your link here more info)
  1. Should you always use shift lock?
  2. What altimeter is the top?
  3. When should you turn on your flow?
  4. What should you do when you see a dead body?
  5. Whats the flag on the table in the sherpa tent?
  6. What happened on November 1st?
  7. Can you join if you're a liberal?
  8. What 3 sponsors do we have?
  9. How many genders are there?
  10. What does the flag on the top say?

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