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There are many icecream freak in the world. But some people are true icecream freaks. Ice Cream freak is, after all, quite exceptional. An icecream freak is someone who has an excellent choice of icecream

Are you an ICECREAM FREAK ? Do you have the taste power to qualify the best? Until you could only wonder .But here you can get the results in few minutes

Created by: Tarana

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which flavoured icecream do you like the most ?
  2. What do you think? Which flavour is lucky for you?
  3. If you get a chance to work for an ice cream company, which company will you choose ?
  4. Do you not like icecream?
  5. What is your mother's favourite icecream ?
  6. What is your first tasted ice cream?
  7. Are you kind ?
  8. Is your body temperature cool or hot ?
  9. What's the most important and prime ingredient of icecream ?
  10. How many necessary items do we need to make an icecream ?

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Quiz topic: Do I LIKE ICECREAM ?