Are You A Fashion Freak?

There Are Many Fashion Lovers . But Only Some Are True Fashion Freaks . Some Take Hours To Get Dressed , Others Just Minutes . Are You A Fashion Freak?

Are You A Fashion Freak? In Just A Few Questions You Can Find Out If Your An Impulsive Clothes Lover Like Many Teenage Girl Now A Days! Most Are Secret Fashion Freaks.

Created by: Herlim Jimenez

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do You Color-Code Your Clothes?
  2. Do You Carry Multiple Clothing Changes With You?
  3. How Often Do You Go On ShoppingSprees?
  4. Do You Let Anyone Borrow Your Most Liked Clothing..
  5. How do you spend your time?
  6. Is Pink Your Favorite Color?
  7. How Many Pairs Of Shoes Do You Own?
  8. How Oftendo You Go Shopping?
  9. Whatmdo you do in a trendy clothes shop?
  10. What Do You Do?
  11. Are you unique with what you wear

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Quiz topic: Am I A Fashion Freak?