Do you know Minecraft?

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Hey guys! I have made a quiz, to see how cool you are! If you are a PRO! Or a noob. But whatever the score is, you will always be a Minecraft lover! The score is from 10% to 100%. Sorry if there is a problem with it, it is my first try.

Be sure to give your favorite Minecraft players a like and subscribe! Or if they aren't Youtubers, protect them, chat with them! Remember the moto! Good luck!

Created by: Lightning
  1. How do you summon the ender dragon after you defeated it?
  2. What is the safest way to land a long fall?
  3. Where do you find diamonds?
  4. What do you do when you encounter a pro bully.
  5. What is the weakest item?
  6. What is the moto?
  7. What can you do with beehives?
  8. What is the best to to kill a zombie?
  9. What is a creeper?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (Not changing your score)

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Quiz topic: Do I know Minecraft?
