Minecraft N00b Test

So I got bored and I wanted to make this so DON'T JUDGE OKAY! Anyway this is a funny test to see if your good at Minecraft so yay for Minecraft so yeah woohooo.

Are you a Minecraft n00b? Find out here! How would YOU react in these situations? Pick this quiz for either 2 reasons: 1) you wanna know if you are a pro or not OR 2) You got bored?

Created by: MayaWasHereDERP:P
  1. You start playing and you are stranded on an island with nothing around you. No trees, no animals, nothing. What do you do?
  2. You finally find land and your like WOOHOOO FINALLY... But what do you do now?
  3. So you have your wood and wool. What do you do?(OBVIOUS)
  4. So you have your bed and night is approaching. What do you do?
  5. You wake up the next morning. What do you do?
  6. FAST FORWARD: You come back from a successful minig trip with 6 diamonds in your hands. What do you do?
  7. You find a village while exploring. What do you look for?
  8. You invite your friends to see your Minecraft house one day. What do u show off first?
  9. You want to beat the enderdragon. What do you do to prepare?
  10. You enter the End. Now how do you beat this guy?!

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