How experienced are you in Minecraft?

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Hey there! Have you ever wondered how much score you would get to see how much of an experienced Minecraft player you are? Don't worry or question! This test will answer that curiosity.

Take this simple and fun test that will tell you how experienced a Minecraft player you are! You are just a few clicks away from finding out who you are!

  1. Since how long have you been playing Minecraft? Note: This test is based on bedrock edition 1.21.80
  2. How much knowledge do you have about Minecraft?
  3. Have you killed the dragon?
  4. Have you killed all four bosses (Wither, Elder guardian, Ender dragon, Warden)?
  5. How many bases do you have?
  6. How much area or chests do you have for storage?
  7. Which type of Armor do you use?
  8. Do you have any elytra's?
  9. Do you have any mob or ore farms? (Overworld)
  10. Do you have any mob or ore farms (Nether)
  11. Do you have any mob farms or chorus farms? (The end)
  12. Let's say you want to travel 10,000 blocks, what is the fastest way that is available for you to travel such a distance?
  13. How would you keep your base secure or safe from mobs or players?
  14. What would you use as a melee weapon?
  15. What do you use as a ranged weapon?
  16. What explosive weapon will you use?
  17. What would you use as food?
  18. Do you have any food farms? and for what purpose?
  19. What is the potion you have the most?
  20. What is the reason you died the most?
  21. Are you ready to get your result?

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Quiz topic: How experienced am I in Minecraft?
