How much Minecraft knowledge do you have?

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Ever wanted to know if you could take a Minecraft test and see how much you would get? Don't worry! This test is the exact one you need to get you covered up!

Note: if I have a grammar or spelling mistake please let me know so I can fix it! Also if I make any mistake in the test let me know and if you want me to make another one let me know about that as well!

  1. What is the first thing you do when you spawn in? Note: all of these questions are based off of bedrock edition
  2. What are the first and weakest tools that everyone gets?
  3. What are the two most important beginner primary work stations?
  4. What is the basic house mostly made of?
  5. What is the easiest way to travel through water?
  6. What is the fastest way to travel through water?
  7. Which one is the Most durable and fastest tool?
  8. What is the main goal while playing Minecraft?
  9. Warning it is starting to get very difficult. How do you tell a wolf's health?
  10. How many game modes are there?
  11. What is the best XP level to enchant at?
  12. How do you access the end?
  13. Who do you feed Tulips to?
  14. What is the special property about suspicious stew?
  15. How do you respawn the ender dragon?
  16. What is the recipe of eye of ender?
  17. What is the most efficient way to get a specific resource from a mob?
  18. How do you spawn the wither?
  19. What is the main thing you do with XP points?
  20. What is the enchantment that makes your sword do more damage?
  21. Thank you for taking this test!Last question: Which country was Minecraft made in?

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Quiz topic: How much Minecraft knowledge do I have?
